This all goes back a bit, to when 228th which became Sahalee Way, slid down the hillside just behind my barn, where it filled in Evans Creek. I know some will say this is all the work of the beavers.
No, it is not!
When we moved to this property in March 1973 the creek bed was way below the bridge on NE 50th St, so low that my husband who was 6'4", was able to bend down and walk under the bridge. And yes, we had salmon swimming up the creek and the kids called them sharks they were so huge. There were also other fish. Now the bridge has a second deck on it since it kept flooding, but the water hardly moves underneath it now. It acts more like a damn!
When the engineers on the project for building the new road, to get people onto the plateau, informed us they were cutting into the hillside and our drinking water would be discontinued. Our water source came out of the hillside in creeks that fed into an old bathtub and filtered into a tank to hold the water. It reached our house by gravity. At that time, we tried to tell them there was a lot of water that came out from that hillside.
You need to go to this link,
read about Sahalee Way and it's failure.
Since the pipe to drain the hill above Sahalee, were placed beneath the road and it failed and the hill slid. Those in control decided to insert many drain pipes under the area that had slid as they rebuild the road with lots of added fill. This means that instead of water going into the designated retention pond, located directly across from the sewer pumping station, the retention pond was no longer used. No, it means all the water flows down hill supposedly to Evans Creek. Since the creek bed is filled in it flows onto my property... continuously!!
Result: I'm constantly flooded and as more construction happens more water comes off the hill. Evans creek no longer having a shore or creek bed, means it flows onto my property! My driveway was dry only one day this year!! I believe there was some work done on the stream. Oh, but wait... Rutherford Creek flows under hwy 202 directly into Evans Creek and it all rages onto my property!
I can tell when the homes above water their property since my driveway fills up with water.
Oh and I'm 76 years old and I enjoy playing poker which means, I do come home late... not fun, when you have to navigate this problem!
This flooding has also caused these issues:
The post office has stopped delivering my mail!
The local firemen walked up to my place in their hip boots and told me if I needed them they would not come!
The telephone repair person would not come up the driveway and there was 3' of water to get to the repair box.
AAA would not come up and fix my flat tire!
Repair people will not come out or if they do they refuse to come up the driveway!!
My furnace is broken and needs repair or replacement. No one wants to come up my driveway! Same thing with my dryer!!
I know when the water is halfway up the post for my mailbox, I can't come home!
This situation has been going on for far too many years! I say enough is enough!
Also, when we bought this property we were told the area where we placed our 72' x 36' barn was our property. Now, it shows on the maps, that it is not mine. I built that barn in the mid to late 70's and there was a permit. I do believe, that adverse possession comes into play. The older plat maps do show my barn and driveway as it comes up to the house, as part of my property.
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